About Us

About Our Company

About image

Our Mission

DHAKA MODERN CITY Ltd. endeavors to be the benchmark brand in quality real estate development. This means constantly innovating, listening and acting upon customer insights, introducing cutting edge technologies, adopting new construction processes and practices, and global benchmarking. Our approach is to create residential and commercial spaces that offer maximum value to the customer while balancing responsibilities towards sustainable living. DHAKA MODERN CITY Ltd. builds strong and lasting relationships with customers through its culture of customer centricity, based on respect for customers, transparency in business dealings, ethical conduct, and agility and earnestness in responding to customer needs.

Our Vision

DHAKA MODERN CITY Ltd. takes great pride in everything that we do, and the projects we have delivered are proud examples what can be achieved when brilliant minds come together, determined to make a difference to the world we live. With a will to do that something extra for mankind we strive to achieve excellence in all our undertaken construction activities. We are an organization that is guided by strong principles and ethos, and it is our constant endeavor to build unmatched structures with innovative designs, which stand the test of time. Even though as a company we are still young, we possess a rich and diversified presence across several core sectors in the real estate arena. As new windows of opportunities open up, we find ourselves well equipped to make a mark in the annals of Bangladesh real estate & construction the coming years.

Why Choose Us?

Our Expertise

The organization is run by a combination of skilled engineers and architects, EX Army officers, civilian officers, academics and other professional directors. The marketing department of this establishment is also made up of highly skilled professional manpower. The director of the national housing project of Bangladesh is the highest authority of this company.


Land Sale


Land Buy


User Experience





All of our projects are so budget-friendly. We always focus on customer's affordability for which we make our pricing honest and reasonable.



Our Services are, Residential Plot, Commercial plot, Apartments, Apartments share, Travel and tourism and aggravate.
Our trusted and skilled employees are always ready to give you the best service.



We always keep our clients well informed about our documentations, our progress and all of our legal authorized papers.

Our customers can take all of our information’s through online ( Website, Social Media, WhatsApp, YouTube ETC) and on our corporate phone numbers.


Working Progress

Our culture, team and working process are all part of a carefully planned strategy to build the most customer-focused, successful and progressive.

Team Members


Sagir Ahammad

Deputy Managing Director

Md. Ibrahim Hossen

Director Marketing

Km. Hannan Khakon Eidrish


Md. Sayful Islam


Km. Eidrish Ali (Manna)


Engr. Kazi Arif Hossin Masum


Engr. Muhammad Mutahar Hossain

Managing Director

Mirza Moriom Begum

Vice - Chairman

Mohammad Abdul Qayyum
